Sunshine Fun Pools

Swimming Pool Exercises That Will Get You in Shape This Summer

Swimming Pool Exercises That Will Get You in Shape This Summer

05/31/2017 | Categories: Pool Fun

Swimming Pool Exercises Bryan, College Station, Brazos Valley & Surrounding Areas

Summer is quickly approaching and with it comes a deep desire to look good in your swimsuit. Whether you have a few pounds to shed or you simply would like to firm a few areas, there is a great workout machine in your yard that you might have overlooked- the swimming pool! If you enjoy swimming and you are looking to achieve a more healthy physique, then jump into the water and start training. These five simple swimming pool exercises will whip you into shape for the season.

1. Noodle Sit

Most pool owners have a few foam noodles lying around, but who knew that they were good for a workout? Because this toy is buoyant, you will have to utilize several key muscle groups in order to sit on the noodle. Try sitting on the noodle and staying there for 30 seconds at a time, and your core will thank you later.

2. Leg Bends

Place the noodle around your back and lace your arms over the noodle. Now, begin to raise your legs to your chest and hold them for five seconds, then release and point your toes towards the bottom of the pool. Try doing 15 reps to tone your abs as well as your thighs.

3. Anchor

Place the noodle under your stomach. Then, hold the pool ladder and extend your legs so that you are floating in a plank position. While holding the ladder, you will need to drop your legs, together, to form a 90 degree angle. This will target your hips, thighs, and buttocks.

4. Water Crunch

Using the noodle again, place the noodle under your legs, around your knees. Begin the process of sitting up, bringing your hands towards your knees. Try 20 repetitions at a time and your abs will be screaming.

5. Squat Twists

Standing in chest deep water with your legs shoulder width apart, hold the noodle directly in front of you. Squat down, forming a 90 degree angle with your legs, and push the noodle as far down as possible. When coming back up, try twisting to either the left or the right to target your oblique muscles.


A properly designed swimming pool is a combination of artistry and skilled construction principles. Sunshine Fun Pools has been applying these skills for more than fourteen years and has built over one-thousand pools in the Brazos Valley and surrounding area. As evidence of this success, Sunshine Fun Pools has been recognized by Pool and Spa News as a Top 50 Builder. Our philosophy is to build the highest quality, lowest maintenance, most energy efficient swimming pool available. Our quality control goal is zero call backs. We accomplish this by including standard features on our pools that other companies do not. Our strategic partnerships with companies like Hayward Pool Equipment and A&A Manufacturing allow our pools to be priced as competitively as possible while allowing our clients the freedom from time-consuming maintenance.

Call the experts at Sunshine Fun Pools today to schedule your personal consultation.