How to Open a College Station Pool in the Spring

04/01/2017 | Categories: Pool Maintenance
Swimming Pool Opening in College Station, Brazos Valley & Bryan
As pool season approaches, many new College Station pool owners are wondering what steps to take to prepare their pool for the warm days ahead. You may have searched for information on “opening” your swimming pool, but the truth is, with our long swim seasons and mild winters, College Station pools never really close. This makes our job in spring much easier than that of pool owners in northern locations. All that is really needed to prepare your pool for swimmers is a good cleaning and water treatment. We’ve put together a simple step-by-step plan to show you how to prepare your Collage Station pool for spring and summer enjoyment.
1. Swimming Pool Chemicals
Make sure you have all needed chemicals before starting, including chlorine and algaecide . If you do not have all of these, you will not be able to open your pool properly.
2. Pool Cover
Not all Collage Station pool owners cover their pools over the winter, opting instead to enjoy the beauty of the pool and the warm spa for winter relaxation and entertaining. But if you chose to cover your pool, whether for safety reasons or to protect it from the elements, you’ll need to go through the process of removing, cleaning and storing your cover.
Depending on the type of pool cover you have, you may need to drain any standing water with a pump. Make sure that you remove as much water and debris as possible, as this will make the process easier when the cover actually comes off. After the cover has been removed, brush off excess dirt and debris and then give it a good scrub down with a strong cleaner. (Make sure the chemical is recommended for your cover as using harsh chemicals not recommended by the manufacturer could void your warranty.) It’s best to wash the cover on the driveway or other paved area where chemical and dirt run-off won’t make its way into the pool. Rinse the cover thoroughly to ensure that all cleaner is removed. Chemical residue left on over time could damage or discolor your cover. Allow the cover to air dry before storing for the season.
If you have a built-in retractable cover, this step will be much easier. Simply brush off the cover to remove built up dirt and large debris (making sure to sweep away from your pool!), remove any standing water that may have pooled on top of the cover, and then press the button to retract it!
3. Brush the Walls and Steps
Brush the inner walls, tiles and steps of your pool with a firm-bristled brush to remove any stubborn dirt that may remain from last season or mold and algae that may have accumulated while the cover was on.
4. Pool Water
Top your pool water with clean water to bring the water level halfway up the skimmer openings.
5. Pool Equipment
You probably continued to circulate your pool over the winter, but perhaps you didn’t maintain your system as carefully as you would during the summer months. Now is the time to check your system. Make sure your pump and filter are connected properly and that your filter cartridge is clean. It is always a good idea to lubricate any and all O-rings. This will minimize cracking and drying out. Check your debris baskets for any blockages or issues. Finally, make sure your lines are open before starting the pump. If you have removed any ladders or ropes prior to the winter months, this is the time to reinstall them.
6. Swimming Pool Debris
Now is the time to remove any large debris from the pool. Do not attempt to vacuum this debris, as it will only lead to problems. Once the large debris has been removed, you may begin the process of vacuuming.
7. Shocking the Pool
Once the pool has been cleaned of all debris, it is a good idea to shock the pool. Shocking the pool is the process of using more than the normal requirement of chlorine. Follow the guide on your chemicals and allow the pool water to circulate for 24 hours. If you have questions regarding the best shock treatment, feel free to contact us any time.
8. Pool Chemistry
Once the pool has circulated for 24 hours, you will need to check the water stability. This involves checking the pH balance, hardness, as well as the salinity of your swimming pool water.
9. Enjoy
Once the hard work is done, your pool is clean and you can look forward to those warm months ahead while relaxing in your own personal oasis.
Founded in 2005, Sunshine Fun Pools is the leading pool builder in Brazos Valley; building more than one-hundred pools each year while maintaining 98% customer satisfaction rating. Sunshine Fun Pools specializes in custom pool design, quality pool construction, pool remodeling and pool maintenance services.
Call Sunshine Fun Pools today if you are looking for a professional, qualified customer pool builder in the College Station Bryan area. For more College Station & Bryan Pools pool design tips, subscribe to their blog and YouTube Channel or ‘Like’ them on Facebook. You can also read their customer reviews to learn more about the exceptional services they provide.
Ready to get started on your own backyard oasis? Contact the College Station, Bryan pool experts at Sunshine Fun Pools today!